PC vs Console Gaming: Everything You Need to Know

One of the highly discussed topics in gaming forums is whether PC gaming is better than console gaming. It’s nearly impossible to give a quick answer to this question without assessing each platform’s pros and cons. Most sober-minded gamers acknowledge that each platform has its unique qualities that appeal to gamers. Read on to find out everything you need to know about PC vs console gaming.
PC vs Console Gaming: Everything You Need to Know
Your choice between the two gaming platforms will depend on the kind of games you enjoy playing and your budget. Either way, if you’re shopping for a new gaming system, here are the factors that will help you decide between PC and console gaming.
Multiplayer Games
Though PCs and consoles support multiplayer games, they have different features for this functionality. With PCs, the only option for multiplayer games is couch co-op, which means that you’ll play with your opponent from one computer. You’ll need to connect several game controllers for you and your opponent to play.
Unlike PCs, consoles are more convenient for multiplayer games. They come with in-game chat features, cross-platform support, and social features to make gaming fun. However, their multiplayer games come with a monthly or yearly price tag. Unless you’re playing a game with subscription fees, most online multiplayer PC games are free.
Tech Proficiency
The good thing about PCs is that they are simple to operate and require little knowledge. You insert a physical copy (disk) of your favorite game into the tray (or download a soft copy version online) and start playing. PCs also allow you to browse the internet for exciting games.
Gaming consoles, on the other hand, require some level of familiarity. You won’t always get it right the first time. You need to learn how to factory reset the device, clear cache, and reinstall software if anything goes wrong with it. If the problem is tricky for you, console manufacturers such as Microsoft and Sony can fix it. Repair costs are free if the device has a valid warranty.
Unlike consoles, PCs rarely suffer technical hitches unless you irresponsibly or hastily use your machine. Most PC problems are also easy to fix—no need for going back and forth with the manufacturer. The time spent on fixing the problem is short and won’t disrupt your gaming experience.
Type of Graphics
A high-powered PC comes with better graphics than a high-powered gaming console. Though consoles such as Xbox One X and PS4 Pro boast 4K resolutions (with HDR color technology), PCs still take the lead in graphics. When gaming on a decently powerful computer, you enjoy more granular control over ambient lighting and textures. You can also customize the frame rates to suit your preferences.
PC vs Gaming Console Game Collection and Selection
PCs boast an unparalleled selection of games ranging from classic to big-budget games. You can also find mid-tier and independently released games for your PC. With PC gaming, you get an extensive library of games that features older games and newly-released collections.
On the other hand, consoles only limit gamers to games that came out in the last few years. Their collection isn’t diverse since most gaming studios don’t release console games. Furthermore, independent studios majorly develop games supported by mobile phones and PCs to reach a broader audience.
One advantage gaming consoles have over PCs in terms of game selection is exclusivity. For instance, you can only play a game like God of War on PS4 and a game like Halo on Xbox One. Other exclusive game releases for consoles include Horizon Zero Dawn, Halo 5, Bloodborne, and Sunset Overdrive.
PC gaming is pricier than console gaming, with most of the costs incurred on procuring a pre-built PC gaming system. Furthermore, PC specs continue to evolve, which makes it expensive to keep up. You may incur thousands of dollars trying to update your PC’s RAM, processor, or video card to support various games.
A decently equipped gaming PC costs between $600 to $900. You’ll incur over $1,200 for a high-powered one. It’s also expensive to build a gaming PC from scratch since its accessories come with a high price tag.
Unlike PCs, consoles get cheaper with time since they don’t require lots of expensive maintenance or updates. It cost about $100 to get one. However, 4K variants such as Xbox One X (that costs $500) and PS4 Pro (that costs $400) are relatively expensive.
Gaming PCs have proved to be cost-effective when it comes to games since they charge reasonably for classic titles. They also offer a vast selection of independent games and digital games, with most of them being free. Console games have higher price tags. They are also less likely to have discounts or offers on price reduction.
Final Thoughts
All in all, PCs boast more versatility and a more extensive game library, while consoles are more comfortable and cheaper to choose from. You may select a gaming PC if you prefer buying 4K monitors and TVs, which are better in the long run. Consoles may be an ideal option if you don’t want to incur substantial upfront fees.
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