How Do I Start Video Game Modding?

Video game modding is big business, and it’s a lot of fun. Although mods can require a little coding and design experience, it’s no harder than getting to know any other aspect of a game and its mechanics. How can you get started with video game modding? Here’s what to know about the very basics of game mods, and where to start on video game modding if you’re a beginner.
How Do I Start Video Game Modding?
Choose the Right Game
There are some games that lend themselves better to modding than others. As a beginner in the art of game modifications, choose games that are easier to modify. At the very start, pick video games that also come with their own modification tools.
It’s a great idea to learn more about popular mods and original games, such as the Grand Theft Auto (GTA) San Andreas Superman Mod – or the notorious NSFW Hot Coffee mod from the same game. Games like Sims also had many types of mods done over the years.
The truth is that almost any game can be changed and modded. However, as a beginner, you want to start with the more user-friendly games.
Start Small
A small start is best if you have little coding and design experience. While it’s a very ambitious idea to switch over the mechanics of an entire game the way you’d like it to play, a total conversion might be too ambitious for beginners.
Choose a simple goal, and decide what you would like the modification in your game to do.
Replace something simple, like a texture or weapon at first.
As you continue learning more about the art of game mods, your changes can become more sophisticated.
View Some Video Tutorials
YouTube has excellent video tutorials that will show you – often step by step – exactly what to do with mod software or game mods. If you want to get started with almost any new skill, heading over to YouTube first to see what you can find can be helpful.
In fact, there are numerous videos on Youtube that take a look at various types of game modifications and how to create them. Furthermore, there are videos that cover more advanced programming and design skills. From these videos, you will be able to learn more about more complicated game modifications.
Join a Modding Community
Join a network or forum that’s filled with other mod-enthusiasts and video game designers. Game modding communities are a good place to learn, browse through questions others have asked, and ask your own questions about game mods.
Networks are one of the best places to learn. is one example of an active modding/gaming community that showcases their own mods and how they put them together.
Watch and learn.
Build Your Tools
If you’re going to bring any modifications to an existing platform, you will need basic coding and graphic design tools at the very least. While it’s up to you, open-source is recommended to keep costs low and functionality as high as you can get it.
Programming websites like GitHub are an excellent method to make your way through the variety of different coding and design tools available.
Sometimes, games will lend themselves to specific mod platforms like Unity.
For 3D design changes, get to know software like Blender inside and out.
Get a Mod Manager
If you run or test several mods at a time, you’re going to need what’s called a mod manager. Game mod managers give the user control over which modifications are actively running. You can turn the game mods on or off with a background setting at will.
For the best results, you must test game mods over and over again.
Can it be frustrating?
Well, yes, but you’re still going to have to do it. A mod manager makes the job so much easier. Nexus Mod Manager and Twitch are two options to manage your mods in action.
Watch this video of some of the most moddable PC games out there, and build some of your beginner mod collection around these:
Remember: the sandbox is, well, your sandbox to do with as you wish!
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