Xbox One HDMI Repair Fix

Xbox One HDMI Repair Fix
Game consoles have always had problems with HDMI ports getting broken from people tripping over HDMI cables, getting too excited to play a game and jamming the cable into the port, etc. The Xbox One is no different. HDMI ports on these consoles take a beating. While they can take quite a bit of abuse, at some point they will fail and unfortunately, with a broken HDMI port you won’t be able to play games because your Xbox won’t be able to communicate with your tv. Previous generations of consoles had RGB connections as well so you could connect that way, but with the new generations of game consoles, the only way to connect to your tv is through an HDMI cable.
Xbox One Bad HDMI Port Symptoms
Some of the things you might notice if your console has a faulty port are things like; the TV just says “no signal” or something similar, you see “fuzz”, “snow” or lines on the screen, there are bent, broken or missing pins inside the port, the HDMI socket is not aligned or pushed back, etc. These are just a few of the common symptoms of a bad port.
Xbox One HDMI Repair Fix
First things first…be sure you have a good replacement port for your Xbox One. These are hard to find because you can’t use any generic parts, you must use one that was made by Microsoft for that specific console.
After you have the correct port the next thing to do is to remove the old port. There are several large pins that mount the HDMI port to the motherboard that will need to have the solder removed in order to get the port out. There are also 19 small pins that will need to be desoldered as well. Extreme caution must be taken to ensure that none of the solder pads on the motherboard are torn off when removing the small pins on the board.
When the old port is removed it’s time to install the new one. The replacement HDMI port must be aligned with the small pins, then the large mounting pins are soldered to the motherboard. After it is secure soldering of the small pins can begin. We recommend the use of a microscope or similar device to ensure that these pins are soldered correctly and securely.
That, in a nutshell, is how to replace the HDMI port on your Xbox One.
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